

ZEPTER International Design Award – ARTZEPT 2023

Zepter International is pleased to announce 19th design competition ARTZEPT for 2023 entitled:


For the conceptual solution and realisation of a decorative dome above the existing glass rotunda roof on Madlena Art Palace (see images below). The existing rotunda, 600 cm in diameter, is the base and pedestal for the dome that is to be the additional and final element.
The conceptual solution is to accentuate the aesthetic – sculptural aspect and should incorporate a stylised letter    - the official symbol of Zepter International. The solution should also include the accompanying
decorative lighting.
The entry must be an original, unique creation whose lines, surfaces, volume, proportions, rhythm and illumination reflect the designer’s vision. The building materials should be transparent, durable and weatherproof
suitable for exterior. An Expert Jury appointed by Zepter International will select the most successful works on this topic.

Remember: the submission deadline is May 15th, 2024. Come on, join in!

For more info